What a beautiful spring day for a Porsche tour, under a clear blue sky and with mild temperatures. This year the Sierra Nevada Region was pleased to welcome 50 plus Porsches to their annual “Mammoth High-Altitude Porsche Tour”. Participants came from 6 of the 10 regions within Zone 7, from Diablo, Golden Gate, Loma Prieta, Monterey Bay, Redwood, and Sierra Nevada.
Porsches, drivers and navigators (shown below) in front of the Schat’s and Puerta Vallarta Restaurants; signing the PCA waiver, going over maps and directions, and talking Porsche as they awaited the Driver’s Meeting and 9:30 liftoff.

Tour Group 1 lined up along Main Street, eager to start the tour in the clockwise direction.

Tour Group 1 paused at the Mobil Station/Whoa Nellie Deli for a 10-minute comfort stop.

This year we ran two tour groups around the 120-mile drive, one in the clockwise direction and one in the counter-clockwise direction. Sierra Nevada Region lead the clockwise group, while Golden Gate Region lead the counter-clockwise group, with the two groups passing on CA-120 East.
Everyone enjoyed the drive (well, maybe not so much the tar strips and patches of Benton Crossing Rd) and nobody missed the turn onto Benton Crossing Rd and ended up in Bishop this year. We were all back in Mammoth Lakes by noon for lunch and had the afternoon to explore or revisit our favorite areas around Mammoth Lakes. I have to say I’ve never seen CA-120 East in as good a condition and with less traffic in the 10 years I have done this tour.

In closing, did anybody have their picture taken with the Mammoth Ski Area’s Mammoth? See you in Mammoth Lakes next Father’s Day weekend and if you missed the tour this year, you owe it to your Porsche to make the 2025 Edition of the “Mammoth High-Altitude Porsche Tour”. The top six photos were contributed by Darryl Tjaden of the Sierra Nevada Region; thanks Darryl.