WOWZAS, what a great time was had at the New Members’ Mixer. A great turn-out consisting of 26 who registered, some pay-at-the-door members and six non-member “P-car neighbors,” all of whom made up our gang of 37.
Laurance Havlik [SNR’s VP] welcomed everyone and gave a pep-talk on the full schedule of events the club will be hosting in future. After that it was pizza a-plenty along with suds to fuel the non-stop conversation that ensued… and kept on ensuing. For a group that supposedly didn’t know each other before hand, they talked-away like a house afire from 5:30 to 8:30. Just before dark, they stopped long enough to go out in the street for Graeme Biagi to take our group photo.

The PCA motto is, “It’s not the cars, it’s the people,” and for sure that was what this gathering was all about. Nevertheless, out of the fine stable of cars parked in our cul de sac, there were three interesting ones worth mentioning:

The September weather was simply terrific, everyone finally found our house, and we couldn’t have had a better time on a Friday fall evening. Maybe we’ll have to do this again!
Michael & Grace Griffin